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9 benefits of noise cancelling headphones

  • Guides
  • November 29, 2023
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benefits of noise cancelling headphones

Noise. It surrounds us every day, from the family watching TV to the roadworks in the street, your hearing is under constant attack. Its so normal that we often don’t even notice, but it does have an impact on our work, play and everything else.

Noise cancelling headphones are not just for listening to music, although they are very good for that, they reduce the sounds from the world around you, in most cases eliminating them, so whatever you are doing, it sounds like you are in a quiet library.

This is a great way to get the most from any music or podcast, but it does so much more too. I’ve been using these headphones for years, and here are 9 benefits of noise cancelling headphones that really stand out in my experience.

1. Improved Concentration

Whether you are a student trying to complete a project at home, or one of the millions of workers who struggle in a noisy office or are working from home, it can be difficult to focus when there is so many noise distractions around you.

From your neighbor’s music to Sarah from accounts having a conversation 3 feet away, noisy environments stop you concentrating on the work you want to do. But noise cancelling headphones take all that away. Instead reducing or eliminating any noise around you to the point that it just doesn’t register. That means you can focus on your work and get things done faster, easier and to a higher standard.

I work from home, and I find that being able to shut out the sounds of general living, from the washing machine to my neighbor’s dog barking, really helps me to stay focused and get things done.

2. Enhanced Listening Experience

Removing background noise allows clarity in whatever you are listening to, whether that is music, podcasts or anything else. It creates a pristine listening environment, where all you hear are the sounds you want to listen to, improving the overall experience for most people.

However, there are some who have some difficulties with it, due to how the systems work. To eliminate exterior sounds, they use microphones to record them. They then play an inverse of that sound into the headphone speakers, cancelling them out. However, if you have every sensitive hearing, you may be able to hear that white noise.

I can’t hear the system working, but my wife does, although she quickly got used to it. She says the only time it is a real bother is when she has the system on and is not playing music or anything, then she can hear that white noise, not a lot, just enough to be a bit annoying.

3. Relief from Sensory Sensitivity

An area where the benefits of noise cancelling headphones can really change someone’s life in a positive way. For many people with Autism, for instance, auditory overload, where loud sounds or lots of sound such as hundreds of conversations in a crowd, cause significant problems. This can prevent them attending sports events or other gatherings, even a birthday party can be a challenge.

But with noise cancelling headphones, they can enjoy things the rest of us take for granted, opening up the world to them while keeping them safe. Users often report the benefits of noise cancelling headphones in this way, not just for Autism but anyone with acute sensory sensitivity.

I have friends with an Autistic child, and they are able to take her to all kinds of places that would be impossible without them. Even Christmas time visiting Santa Claus was something she couldn’t do until they started using noise cancelling headphones.

4. High-Quality Audio Enhancement

We have already mentioned that noise cancelling headphones improve the listening experience, but do they make your music sound better? Yes. For me personally, I enjoy the clarity that you get when all other noise is taken away. I love all kinds of music, but it is in classical music recordings where I find the benefit of noise cancelling really stands out.

With no background noise, you can hear every instrument in the orchestra. It reveals things I had never heard before, on recordings I’ve listened to hundreds of times. They simply make my music sound better.

5. Stress-Free Traveling

I know many people who love traveling, exploring new locations and cultures. But very few like traveling, the bit where you get on a train, plane or whatever to get to these new places. They tend to be noisy, uncomfortable and just an all-round hassle that leaves you stressed enough that you need a break just to get ready to go back home again.

But, while you can’t do much about annoying people, smells and other things, you can block the rest of the world out with noise cancelling headphones. Just put on a video or piece of music, switch on noise cancelling and you are in your own world. It’s the thing that makes travel even a little bit manageable for me. On a flight, I can pick a movie and turn on my noise cancellation headphones and forget about everything around me. It’s refreshing.

6. Personalized Soundscapes

Everyone has different tastes, even your own family! That can mean problems, if you both want to listen or watch something at the same time. For me its YouTube. My wife loves reaction videos, where people see a movie or hear music for the first time. I can’t see the attraction myself, but I don’t want to stop her from enjoying them. So, I can sit and listen to music or watch something on my laptop while se watches her videos. But thanks to noise canceling headphones, I can hear my choice perfectly, and we can still sit together too.

7. Sleep Aid

Sleep problems are becoming more common, and part of that might be because the world around us is becoming noisier. My brother has real difficulty sleeping, and is easily woken. He tried natural sleeping tablets and many therapies and other options. What worked in the end was a pair of noise cancelling earbuds.

These in ears are not as effective as over ear headphones in shutting out noise, but they don’t interfere with his head movement when sleeping. They also reduce noise enough that he can get to sleep in the first place. They have really helped him, and I’d recommend them for anyone really.

8. Enhanced Conversations

Over the years, noise cancelation systems have become more effective and added amazing new features. Today, AI driven systems mean that many headphones have a range of modes, including conversation mode. What it does is block out external sounds as you might expect but allow voices through. It recognizes what a human voice sounds like and doesn’t cancel those sounds.

I was very skeptical when I first tried it, but it works really well. On a plane flight, I was able to talk to my wife and block out the drone of the engines and other noises. For anyone with Autism and sensory problems, I can see it being really useful.

9. Stress Reduction

Finally, there is something very relaxing about a quiet space. At the end of a hectic day, I love to just put on some quiet music, sit back and relax. Even without music, having the ability to shut the world out for a few minutes is a great stress reliever. Just turn on the noise cancellation and close my eyes for a little while. It’s a great option to have.

Final Thoughts

Noise cancellation is great for many situations. I love how my music sounds, but I think the biggest surprise over the years is how important that quiet space is. More than anything, reducing the sound around me is the thing that has made the most difference. Whether focusing on work or destressing for a bit, I couldn’t live without my noise cancelling headphones anymore.

A Bishop

I’ve been a music fan since I was old enough to talk, but it was in the 90s when I took that love of music and turned it into a career as a DJ. Since then, I have found myself more than a little obsessed with equipment, and as a DJ, few things are as important to me as the headphones I use. Whether listening to a podcast at the gym or using them professionally, I’ve tried hundreds of headphones at every budget, and continue to try newer models as they appear. The search for the perfect headphone is never ending, but I keep looking, and hope that you find my insight and opinions useful in your search too.

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